Frequently asked questions.

Are there any requirements in order for my dog to join the adventure hike?

Yes. Dogs must be friendly and enjoy the company of other dogs. They must be up-to-date on vaccines. Puppies must be 1 year or older to join. All dogs begin on a long line until we feel confident that their recall is reliable. Dogs must learn to receive all other trail users respectfully. We share our trails and want everyone to enjoy them. Ensuring everyone’s safety and maintaining the dog’s focus is our top priority.

What is the process?

Please fill out our contact form to get started. We will arrange a meet and greet at your house or a public place. This consultation allows us to get to know you and your pup. We will decide which service is best for your dog. Many dogs are invited to join us for leashed neighborhood walks before transitioning into off-leash adventure walks.

What is your service area?

We are based out of Cordova Bay. We also service Royal Oak, Gordon Head, Saanichton, and the Prospect Lake area. Please contact us if your area is not listed.

How many dogs do you walk at once?

Groups of up to 8 on our adventure hikes and up to 4 on our neighborhood walks. We focus on group harmony and creating well-balanced packs where all dogs feel comfortable and happy.

Do you walk in all weather?

We walk in a lot of wild weather but safety is always our priority. For safety reasons in extreme weather conditions, hikes will be canceled. All clients will be contacted as soon as the decision is made to cancel. If it is safe to do so, we can offer potty breaks to replace hikes if necessary.

Where do you go on adventure hikes?

Your dog will be exposed to many different idyllic off-leash areas in Saanich. Some of the parks we explore are Horth Hill, Mt. Work, Francis King, and many others.

Are you Insured?

We are licensed, insured, and bonded professional dog walkers.

Do you promise to love and treat my pet like it’s your own?
